
I have no expectations because it's better to be surprised than disappointed. 无所期待,因为惊喜总好过失望。

I need someone who won’t give up on me no matter how many times I mess up.我需要一个无论我把事情搞砸多少次也不会放弃我的人。

Sometimes I feel like a crazy. Not only with myself, and disturb others.有时候觉得自己像个神经病。既纠结了自己,又打扰了别人。

When we are young, we may want several love experiences. But as time goes on, you will realize that if you really love someone, the whole life will not be enough. 年轻的时候会想要谈很多次恋爱,但是随着年龄的增长,终于领悟到爱一个人,就算用一辈子的时间,还是会嫌不够。